Do you know how to retain your potential customers? Usually, with low-value industries, there will be many methods for you to choose from, but with real estate, it is different. It is a very high-value product, requiring brokers to invest carefully in every little detail. One of the methods chosen by real estate businesses is virtual staging. So, what is virtual staging in real estate? The following writing will give you an overview of this field of photo editing.
What is virtual staging in real estate?
Real estate virtual staging is considered the process of adding decorative objects and furniture to a room. This process aims to create a new space compared to the previous rooms. It helps to improve the aesthetic value of the room and makes users feel the space and the actual value of the real estate project they are interested in.
Currently, virtual staging is a service used by many real estate businesses and photographers. Because this service gives them a lot of benefits. You won’t just get back a good photo with virtual staging. Instead, you can take advantage of these photos for banners, ads, etc. it’s suitable for you to carry out these marketing campaigns.
>>> Learn more about: Online home staging services with Elite Photo Editing
What does a virtually staged photo need to do and add?
Make sure the space has been cleared of excess objects before virtual staging the rooms. With messy rooms, they will go through the process of deleting things, to create a space for the staging process. The work of deleting items is quite time-consuming because there are often quite a lot, requiring you to have good photoshop skills to remove them easily.
Once you’ve completed the decluttering and object removal tasks, you can begin the process of correcting color parameters and image composition. This process includes noise reduction, color improvement, wall stain removal, etc. Depending on the style and wishes of the client, the designers will adjust the image parameters to suit the client’s needs. Make sure the virtual staging process will be more efficient later.
When everything is ready for the staging process, you can start selecting objects and placing them in specific locations. Objects can include decorations, furniture, electronics, etc. All will be carefully adjusted to create a photo with the highest realism, bringing more value for both real estate agents and buyers.
What do you get from virtually staged photos?
Virtual staging is now considered the best tool for real estate agents and photographers. It brings a lot of value to both the broker-dealer and their clients. A staged room will not only improve their aesthetic thinking but also help the client to have a general view of their home. Help customers answer questions that seem to require the help of a broker-dealer support team:
- “How big is this room?”
- “Is the architecture of this house beautiful?”
- “What is the estimated value of that apartment?”
- “When buying, how can I decorate and design the room to be the best?”
- And so on
So, for clients and brokers, virtual staging saves them time asking questions. As for the photographer, what will they get from the virtual staging?
Photographers are among the biggest users of Elite Photo Editing’s virtual staging service. What they need in their career is fame and prestige in the region. Therefore, they desperately need virtual staging for the rooms. It will help them earn a great source of income and participate in real estate exhibitions.
Moreover, they are very knowledgeable about the architecture and structure of the rooms. Therefore, only service providers with good quality can become familiar partners of photographers. It only takes about 5 seconds for them to realize the quality and value of that photo. You won’t be able to offer a low-quality photo to negotiate a high price.
>>> Learn morre about: Should you choose virtual staging or photoshop for your empty room
How much does a virtually staged photo cost?
Customers who use bulk services such as real estate and price photography companies, in addition to the quality factor, are also particularly interested in the cost of virtual staging. The price that Elite Photo Editing offers customers from only $ 12 for a photo.
With this fee, it is suitable for low-value rooms that require simple furniture. The difference in staging costs depends on the style, interior, and the number of details you choose. A modern room will have different costs from a classic, luxurious room.
In addition, the cost of virtual staging does not include the price of removing objects and improving image parameters. For more information, you can contact Elite Photo Editing via the 24/7 hotline: Henry Bui +(84) 3677 55686!
The company that provides leading virtual staging services today
With more than 10 years of experience in real estate photo editing, Elite understands what its customers need and want in a staged photo. The company’s designers have good graphic design thinking and background knowledge, capture ideas and turn them into the most perfect ideas.
In addition, Elite Photo Editing is willing to participate in customer product tests to confirm the quality and capacity of the company.
For more information, please contact the hotline Mr. Henry Bui +(84)3677 55686 or email: for the best support!