To have a quality post and make a strong impression on customers at first sight. Real estate photography is very important. Beautiful photos will make the post look more professional and eye-catching, helping you to “close” a real estate transaction soon. Follow Elite Photo Edit to discover great tips for the best quality pictures for real estate!

pictures for real estate
Some great tips for taking professional real estate photos

Choose the best time of day to shoot

When talking about real estate photography tips, the time of day and the direction of the sun play a huge role. So that real estate photography can go better and more effectively. If you are taking photos based on the orientation of the house, there are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • If you face the East, you should shoot in the morning
  • To the West, you should shoot in the afternoon
  • North direction should be taken from 10am – 2pm
  • South direction should be taken in the morning or at sunset

Real estate photography at the “right time” of the day will surely create more impressive effects. At the same time bring worthy results that even we did not expect.

Learn more: Real estate photographers around this area

Walk around the area/house before taking pictures for real estate

If you want to take professional pictures for real estate, first go around the building, the house before taking the photo to see if the room is cluttered. If I open the curtain, will I get a lot of natural light or will it be too bright when taking pictures?

Use real estate photography to create the atmosphere you want. So that customers will experience from the first time they see your sale post photo. Also, to get a good idea of ​​composition and staging, look closely at the features of the house to research the right type of photo.

pictures for real estate
“Surveying” the house will help you catch better views

Learn more: Professional real estate agent photo

Real estate photography with flash

Another great trick when shooting real estate is to use flash for darker spaces. But take care to rotate the flash around to diffuse the light so that it bounces off the wall or ceiling. This technique will help make the image look softer and less shiny.

Reflecting light from the ceiling of the flash will spread the light around so it doesn’t focus the light in front, causing glare or shadows. Just pay attention to the height of the ceiling, because if the ceiling is too high, the light efficiency will be reduced.

Correct image distortion before posting

When photographing real estate, pay attention to the vertical lines present in the photo. They sometimes appear with distorted shapes that result in low quality photos and affect the customer’s assessment of the home.

Some wide angle lenses will cause this distortion because of how wide you are trying to capture. The wider the image, the more pronounced the distortion will be. To overcome this phenomenon, before posting photos, use editing tools to make them look more eye-catching and attractive.

Elite Photo Editing – Professional real estate photo editing company

If you do not have too much experience in taking beautiful pictures for real estate, then there is no need to worry. By Elite Photo Editing professional real estate photo editing company, we will bring the best real estate photography solution for you.

pictures for real estate
Elite Photo Editing is proud to be a professional and reputable real estate photo editing unit

With many years of experience working in the field of real estate photography, we provide professional real estate photography services with the most reasonable prices to customers. The photography equipment used is all modern and will give sharper image quality and more vivid colors than ever before.

Right now you can contact our Elite Photo Editing via hotline (84).3677.55686 or website for advice and a quote on the most prestigious and quality real estate photography service!

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